Reloading your Compass Card? Here's how.


Reload Options
Tips to Make Reloading Fast & Easy!
  • Set up automatic reload at 511 with your
    credit or debit card and your Compass
    Card card will always be ready when
    you are!

  • Reloading during the middle of the month
    (15th to 20th) helps you avoid the lines

  • All types of Regional day passes (1 and
    30-Day) can be reloaded at all
    MTS Trolley ticket vending machines,
    the MTS Transit Store, and at Albertsons.
    Except for the 1-Day Pass, all other day
    passes can be reloaded at NCTD
    Customer Service Centers. 30-Day
    Regional Passes also can be reloaded at
    SPRINTER ticket vending machines.
    Regional 1-Day ($6) also can be reloaded
    on MTS buses.

  • Monthly and 30-Day Passes can be reloaded
    online, or call 511 and say “Compass” to
    speak to a customer service center representative.

  • You can load up to two identical passes on
    a Compass Card. To avoid double-paying,
    do not load different passes until your first
    pass has expired. See more.

  • To convert from a monthly pass to a
    30-Day Pass, or vice versa, call 511 and say
    “Compass” to speak to a customer service
    center representative. This conversion can
    only be done through a Compass Card
    customer service center representative.